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All Hail Seitan – New Recipe!

  • By allscone
  • 09 Mar, 2018
“You say God, and I say “Say 10″…” Does that song pop into anyone else’s head when they hear the word Seitan? I blame Steph, he started it, ha.
Some of you may or may not know that one of All’Scone’s most popular flavours is the Pesto and Chorizo scone, a scone that got labelled the U.K.’s number one (back in 2013 but let’s just not worry too much about that), whoop whoop! Take a look at the link below to see who we were up against:
I digress. Nick told me all about his company and about how passionate he is as an animal activist, and how we can all make small changes to live more compassionate lives, hence creating LoveSeitan to offer Seitan as an alternative to meat. What’s Seitan, I hear you say? Here’s LoveSeitan’s explanation:
“Seitan is quite simply a protein rich food, often compared to meat, but made from plants so is suitable for vegans and vegetarians. It has a firmer texture than other similar products such as tofu and tempeh. Our Seitan also comes in a number of different flavours.
Our Seitan can be served in a number of ways such as in stir fries, curries, stews, sliced in sandwiches (delicious with onion and salad cream as a breakfast treat), barbequed or on its own with a side of veg or salad. The beauty of our Seitan is that it does not fall apart when cooked like tofu can do and retains its lovely texture which adds a delicious bite to any dish it is cooked with. It can take on the flavour of any sauce it is cooked in making it an ideal base for a curry.”
If you want to find out more about LoveSeitan and the products they offer, take a look here:
When Nick suggested I take of their Smokey Dokey Seitan to try in my scones, I said yes immediately. Surely this would be the answer to my chorizo alternative dilemma? Yup sirree, it sure was. After a few attempts at getting the amount needed for the recipe, I finally nailed it this week and am now proud to present my new recipe for my Seitan and Pesto scones!
1lb self-raising flour
6oz dairy-free marj
large pinch of salt
1oz golden caster sugar
a few large pinches of ground black pepper
7oz LoveSeitan Seitan
4 tbsp smoked paprika
No Egg egg replacer – equivalent of 2 eggs
100-150ml soya milk
squeeze of lemon juice
3 heaped tsp dairy-free pesto (I normally use Saclo’s version)
1 large garlic clove
extra soya milk and pesto, for the tops
dairy-free hard cheese/parmesan, to decorate (Tesco do a great one)
extra smoked paprika, to decorate
*Note on recipe changes: For anyone who has my book “The Little Book of Scones, the original Pesto and Chrizo recipe is in there and you will notice how similar this one is to it; the main thing to notice is the difference in weight for the chorizo/Seitan – I have used double the amount when using Seitan as I have found the scones need more, otherwise the taste gets lost.
Preheat the oven to 190°C /375°F /gas mark 5.
First, make your No Egg Egg Replacer. This stuff is great for dairy-free baking, it’s super cheap at around £2.50 a box and is the equivalent of 66 eggs! No brainer for me. I normally get mine at Holland Barrett, and get a couple of boxes at a time so I’m stocked up for like, THE YEAR.
In a bowl, rub the flour, butter and salt together gently through your fingers until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs or if you want to get the job done, give them a quick whizz in the food processor. Add the sugar and pepper.
Next for the Seitan. Break it into large-ish chunks and throw into a food processor, along with the smoked paprika. Whizz gently until the Seitan has broken up into small pieces – don’t go too small as you won’t get nice chunky bits when you bite into the scone! Here’s a before and after shot:
Add this to the mixing bowl with the dry ingredients along with 1 teaspoon of garlic salt. Mix thoroughly to combine.
Grab your jug(s) – teehee – of your egg replacer and add the soya milk and lemon juice. You may not need all of the milk so I usually leave abit out at this point and add to the dough later on if I need to. Give it a little whisk with a fork, then add the pesto and garlic clove and whisk again to combine. Pour this mixture into the bowl and gently mix together with the dry ingredients.
Work the dough in the bowl with a wooden spoon or spatula until it starts to come together then finish with your fingers until the dough comes away clean from the edges of the bowl. Tip on to a lightly floured surface and work through with the base of your palm three or four times, each time folding the sides in and turning over until the dough becomes smooth.
Pat and shape the dough into a ball and roll out the dough until it is approximately 3 centimetres/1¼ inches thick then, using a floured round cutter, cut out your scones. For posh nosh scones use the smooth side of the ring cutter and not the serrated side; this is something I’ve always done because, hey, I like to live on the wild side.
Place your scones on a lightly floured baking tray, leaving enough space between each one for them to spread. Brush each one with buttermilk and dust with flour. Top each scone with a small dollop of pesto smoothed out over the top with the back of a spoon. For extra flair and wow factor add a small sprinkle of dairy free parmesan follwed by a dash of smoked paprika, to give the scones a jazzy top.
Bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 15-20 minutes, or until the tops are golden brown. I ate mine with a nice helping of Tesco’s dairy-free cream cheese and some caramelised red onion chutney; Snowy and Dopey even fancied a bite.
So there we are! Finally, the Pesto and Chorizo scone is reborn, with massive thanks to LoveSeitan and their wonderful product. All together now, “When I say God, you say…” I bet Marilyn Manson (and Johnny Depp, let’s throw him in as he’s in the video and because it’s JOHNNY DEPP) would love a Say10 and Pesto scone (see what I did there?) I’ll invite them round for tea sometime perhaps.
Wearing my Heart Shaped Glasses,
Grace x
By allscone 08 May, 2018
Below is a take on my Good Morning Drop Scones recipe, found in my book. I used to serve them with bacon, banana and maple syrup, though now they have had a makeover and have been transformed into an epic Pancake Cake! This sexy badger is full of naughty vegan yumminess, as well as a surprise ingredient in the chocolate buttercream – any ideas what it could be? Read on to find out!
By allscone 02 Mar, 2018
Or cheers! In Welsh. So much of my childhood was spent in the land of the red dragon; my grandparents lived there and so most weekends would involve us all being piled into the car with dogs, cats and deflated rubber dingies shoved onto our laps, listening to 80s rock as we made our way to Anglesey. We made that journey so many times I reckon I could still make my way there now (minus Google maps), holding my breath as I drive under the tunnels through the hills and shouting “I can see the sea!” in the hope that I was the first. Sidenote: do people play car games anymore? Surely everyone still enjoys taking it in turns saying a food name as you go over each chevron, right?
By allscone 23 Feb, 2018
I read an article sometime over the NY period, where the writer was saying how she was rebelling against the whole “New Year, New You” phase we buy into every January. She had decided to give herself the first month of 2018 to reflect upon 2017, and start to think about what she might want to do with this next year. I love a rebel, and I loved this idea of not putting pressure on yourself to having everything figured out for the next year, ready for when you wake up on New Year’s Day. The festive period was magical for me, but it was also full to the brim which didn’t leave me any space or time to myself to reflect.
By allscone 11 Jul, 2017
This recipe is also fully vegan, though not the kind of healthy vegan food you might expect. In fact, this recipe calls for a hefty dose of biscuits that are “accidentally vegan”; they may not have been created with vegans in mind, but are in fact diary and egg free. OK, here goes:
By allscone 29 Jun, 2017
Sounds like a good way to spend your summer, right?! Well this is the journey a bunch of raisins took to get into my Rum soaked California Raisins and Dark Choc Chip scones… yummy! I used California Raisins as they are super tasty due to them being left out in the California sun to dry for THREE WEEKS – can you imagine?! I’d totes love that. I soaked them in Captain Morgan’s dark spiced rum for 2 days, just to make sure you can taste the rum – I wouldn’t want it to be wasted, hehe. These scones are also vegan so you can enjoy making and scoffing them without worrying about the planet – #winning.
By allscone 08 Dec, 2015
Well, don’t I feel super smug after last weekend? Not only did I learn how to make the perfect Christmas dinner in my (still make believe) Aga but I also ran around a park dressed as Santa. Yup, it was yet another jam packed couple of days full of festivities and completely random activities. And I loved it! First of all, it started at my home away from home, the Aga store in Thame…
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By allscone 29 Sep, 2015
Every morning must start with a cuppa…
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