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Blog Post

Feeling Festive!

  • By allscone
  • 30 Nov, 2015
It’s been a while since I last posted anything, mostly because I’ve been so busy! Then whaddya know, all of a sudden it’s the end of November and Christmas is here – yippee! I have (not so) secretly been excited about the festive season since August at least, so now it’s in full swing I can shamelessly sing along to cringey Christmas songs and watch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation whilst sipping on mulled wine laced with tequila (I just went with it) to my heart’s content.
My past month or so has been filled with pre-Christmas activities, kicking off with a “Scones and Bones” charity event at the Aga Thame shop in conjunction with the Dog’s Trust. We had a great day and raised a nice amount for the charity, though I was hoping for more 4 legged friends to show up! Nevertheless people still took home plenty of doggy treats for their pawed pals, including some smoked cheddar doggy scones I baked in the Aga on the day – yummo! Here’s the recipe:
140g wheat flour
210g oats
1tsp baking powder
100g smoked cheddar, grated
2 eggs
70g plain low fat yogurt
Large dash of sunflower oil
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees c/gas mark 5. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, oats, baking powder and cheddar. Whisk the 2 eggs, yogurt and oil together ein a jug and then add to the bowl. Bring the mixture together until it forms a large ball and then break off sections approximately the size of a 20p piece, rolling them into balls. Lightly dust a baking tray, place the scones onto the tray and pop the tray into the oven. Bake for 5-10 mins or until golden brown on top. For those of you baking in an Aga, use a cold tray at the bottom of the roasting oven, it gives the scones a lovely outer “coat”.
Some pics from the day:
And of course, we all had to have a pic with the polar bear…
I always have such a wonderful time with the fam and it’s sad to say goodbye, but there were plenty of smiles when we realised we’d next see each other on CHRISTMAS EVE. Sooooo excited.
The mince pies we made were also vegan (I devised a recipe for the shortcrust pastry which I’ll share on my next post), though we didn’t make our own mincemeat – shame on us! Sometimes corners have to be cut and on this day, when the mulled wine was flowing, life was too short to make mincemeat!
What have you guys been baking in the run up to Christmas? Share your recipes with me and stay tuned this week for Part 2 of Feeling Festive!
G x
By allscone 08 May, 2018
Below is a take on my Good Morning Drop Scones recipe, found in my book. I used to serve them with bacon, banana and maple syrup, though now they have had a makeover and have been transformed into an epic Pancake Cake! This sexy badger is full of naughty vegan yumminess, as well as a surprise ingredient in the chocolate buttercream – any ideas what it could be? Read on to find out!
By allscone 09 Mar, 2018
“You say God, and I say “Say 10″…” Does that song pop into anyone else’s head when they hear the word Seitan? I blame Steph, he started it, ha.
By allscone 02 Mar, 2018
Or cheers! In Welsh. So much of my childhood was spent in the land of the red dragon; my grandparents lived there and so most weekends would involve us all being piled into the car with dogs, cats and deflated rubber dingies shoved onto our laps, listening to 80s rock as we made our way to Anglesey. We made that journey so many times I reckon I could still make my way there now (minus Google maps), holding my breath as I drive under the tunnels through the hills and shouting “I can see the sea!” in the hope that I was the first. Sidenote: do people play car games anymore? Surely everyone still enjoys taking it in turns saying a food name as you go over each chevron, right?
By allscone 23 Feb, 2018
I read an article sometime over the NY period, where the writer was saying how she was rebelling against the whole “New Year, New You” phase we buy into every January. She had decided to give herself the first month of 2018 to reflect upon 2017, and start to think about what she might want to do with this next year. I love a rebel, and I loved this idea of not putting pressure on yourself to having everything figured out for the next year, ready for when you wake up on New Year’s Day. The festive period was magical for me, but it was also full to the brim which didn’t leave me any space or time to myself to reflect.
By allscone 11 Jul, 2017
This recipe is also fully vegan, though not the kind of healthy vegan food you might expect. In fact, this recipe calls for a hefty dose of biscuits that are “accidentally vegan”; they may not have been created with vegans in mind, but are in fact diary and egg free. OK, here goes:
By allscone 29 Jun, 2017
Sounds like a good way to spend your summer, right?! Well this is the journey a bunch of raisins took to get into my Rum soaked California Raisins and Dark Choc Chip scones… yummy! I used California Raisins as they are super tasty due to them being left out in the California sun to dry for THREE WEEKS – can you imagine?! I’d totes love that. I soaked them in Captain Morgan’s dark spiced rum for 2 days, just to make sure you can taste the rum – I wouldn’t want it to be wasted, hehe. These scones are also vegan so you can enjoy making and scoffing them without worrying about the planet – #winning.
By allscone 08 Dec, 2015
Well, don’t I feel super smug after last weekend? Not only did I learn how to make the perfect Christmas dinner in my (still make believe) Aga but I also ran around a park dressed as Santa. Yup, it was yet another jam packed couple of days full of festivities and completely random activities. And I loved it! First of all, it started at my home away from home, the Aga store in Thame…
By allscone 03 Dec, 2015
By allscone 29 Sep, 2015
Every morning must start with a cuppa…
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